About masterpfsense.com

masterpfsense.com has come about for 2 main reasons

  1. Firstly, from the lack of detailed setup, configuration, best practice and training for pfsense Community Edition and pfsense plus High Availabilty (HA) configurations for all aspects of pfsense and border control …. including workarounds in on-premise, hybrid and cloud environments
  2. Secondly, after many years working in online child safety, we are continually staggered by the lack of visibility and monitoring from network infrastructures, particularly the proliferating BYOD policies being adopted throughout education services of access to Tor/Dark Web

Tor is an emotive subject, one that we support here from our training resources from both the block/disallow access perspective and from a considered secure by design, authenticated, audited corporate CIA (confidentiality, integrity and availability) triad perspective.

The content, training, documentation and risk assessment guides provided on this site is paid for by a site subscription – there is no advertising and/or product promotion. Our approach, wherever possible, is using open source software and/or trial versions of core commercial software and SaaS services to actively demonstrate the concepts being discussed and implemented.

Please read our Technical Environment (Software and Hardware) for each training course for guidance on what the requirements are to complete the course.